Saturday, March 3, 2012

U.S. troop deaths hit a 7-month high; At least 4,062 military personnel have now died since start of Iraq war.(Main)

Byline: KIM GAMEL - Associated Press

BAGHDAD - The U.S. military death toll hit a seven-month high of 50 on Wednesday - with more than half the losses in Baghdad as American forces wage growing street battles against Shiite fighters.

Iraqi civilian deaths also remained high following the Iraqi government crackdown on Shiite militia factions - accused by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of using residents as human shields during close combat in the teeming Sadr City slum, a base for the powerful Mahdi Army militia.

At least five American soldiers have been killed in the city since Tuesday, bringing the monthly count to at least 50 - 27 in Baghdad - in …

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