Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC:Main stories on 3AW news

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Main stories on 3AW news

MELBOURNE, Aug 8 AAP - Main stories on 1200 3AW news.

- The wild ride has continued on the Australian sharemarket this morning, in early
trade investors wiped billions off the value of the local market. But the market regained
half its losses within the hour.

- A Christian Brother and serial pedophile has been jailed for preying on children for 20 years.

- Tributes are flowing for Australia's most decorated WWII servicewoman, Nancy Wake,
who has died at 98.

- A heavily pregnant woman and her partner have been left homeless after a semi-trailer
crashed into their home in Gippsland this morning.

- Fifty five asylum seekers will find out later today whether they will be deported
to Malaysia following a high court challenge against their removal.

- The Victorian government denies its out to silence protesters by attempting to block
anti-Israel activists from damaging Jewish businesses.

- A West Melbourne company has won a multi-million dollar Hollywood contract to create
an international live show.

- The all ordinaries are down 22 points to 4147. The $AU is buying 104.21 US cents.

- Adam Scott is savouring his four shot win at the rich WGC Championship in Ohio this morning.

- Chris Judd has nominated his Carlton teammate Marc Murphy as the Brownlow Medal favourite
at this stage of the season.

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