Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Marysville to receive bulk of latest round of appeal funds

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Marysville to receive bulk of latest round of appeal funds

MELBOURNE, April 6 AAP - The devastated town of Marysville in north east Victoria has
been granted nearly $3 million in funding to help rebuild the bushfire-ravaged region.

The town's main street has been granted $1.3 million in restoration funding for landscaping,
tree planting and new pathways while Gallipoli Park will get $1.5 million to develop a
play space, sculpture and garden.

A $33,000 feasibility study will also be conducted on a proposed trail to connect Marysville
with the fire-affected areas of Narbethong, Granton, Buxton, Lake Mountain, Cathedral
Ranges and Taggerty.

The funding is part of a $5 million round of projects announced on Tuesday from the
Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund.

A total of $193 million will be spent on the "Rebuilding Together" plan over the next
two years that sets out priorities driven by local communities to rebuild essential buildings
and services.

Further projects are also planned in Kilmore East, Whittlesea and other areas in the
state damaged in the catastrophic February 2009 fires that claimed more than 170 lives.

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