Thursday, February 23, 2012

Computer network time synchronization; the Network Time Protocol on earth and in space, 2d ed.(Brief article)(Book review)


Computer network time synchronization; the Network Time Protocol on earth and in space, 2d ed.

Mills, David L.

CRC Press


466 pages




Pointing out the hazards unless all elements in a computer network are telling the same time, Mills (emeritus electrical and computer engineering and computer and information sciences, U. of Delaware), explores the technological infrastructure of time dissemination, distribution, and synchronization. In particular, he looks at the architecture, protocols, and algorithms of the Network Time Protocol, which in some form or another has been active on the public Internet and many private networks for three decades. His topics include how the protocol works, clock discipline algorithm, primary servers and reference clocks, kernel timekeeping support, identity schemes, the metrology and chronometry of the protocol timescale, time transfer for deep-space missions, and a technical history of the protocol.

([c]2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)

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