Wednesday, February 29, 2012

HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30

AAP General News (Australia)
HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30

MELBOURNE - AFL chief Andrew Demetriou says the league will continue to offer counselling
support to the 17-year-old girl at the centre of the naked photo scandal. (AFL Photos

AFL Photos Wrap to come

CANBERRA - Key independent MP Rob Oakeshott has accused the Gillard government of undertaking
questionable backroom deals over its proposed mining tax. (MRRT)

MRRT Wrap to come

CANBERRA - The economy looks set for a cooling off period in the early months of 2011
from what looked like an unsustainably strong growth rate earlier this year, new data
suggests. (Economy)

CANBERRA - Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has defended the federal government's
capacity to deliver, following the latest scrapping of a greens-related scheme. (Loans)

CANBERRA - Navy chief Vice Admiral Russ Crane has urged any sailor with knowledge of
drug trafficking aboard navy ships to come forward. (Sailors)

CANBERRA - Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he would consider a modest expansion
of Australia's annual intake of refugees. (Boat Abbott)

SYDNEY - The NSW parliament has been shut down two months early so the state government
can avoid a damaging inquiry into its troubled electricity privatisation, the opposition
says. (Electricity)

Electricity Wrap to come

SYDNEY - They are the lucky ones. As chaos reigns at London's Heathrow airport with
Arctic conditions and extensive flight delays, travellers from the UK arriving in Sydney
on Wednesday spoke of their relief at being back home. (Weather UK Aust)

CANBERRA - Charities are experiencing a significant increase in demand for help by
families doing it tough in the lead-up to Christmas. (Xmas Charities)

LOS ANGELES - Canberra-born actress Mia Wasikowska is new to Hollywood and many have
trouble spelling her name, but she has come within a whisker of bumping Leonardo DiCaprio
off as the world's top box-office earner for 2010. (US Forbes with factbox)

SYDNEY - The corporate regulator says it has begun legal proceedings against Commonwealth
Bank, Bank of Queensland Ltd and Macquarie Group Ltd over the collapse of Storm Financial
Ltd. (Storm)

Storm Wrap to come

SYDNEY - The head of the Australian Cricketers' Association says the form of the national
team has deteriorated because of the players' fear of a public and official backlash against
the "sledging" or verbal abuse of opponents. (Cricket Aust Sledge)

Cricket Aust Wrap to come

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