Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Politicians welcomed to Canberra

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Politicians welcomed to Canberra

The first-ever indigenous welcome is underway in Parliament House in Canberra.

As raindrops dripped onto the marble tiles of the members' chamber .. Ngambri elder
MATILDA HOUSE-WILLIAMS raised a laugh by remarking that like all houses .. Parliament
House leaks.

She clarified her comment .. saying she meant the water.

Earlier Ms HOUSE .. accompanied by a didgeridoo player and her two grand-children ..

greeted Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD and presented him with a message stick.

She said her welcome was far different from that accorded BILLY CLEMENTS .. an elderly
Aboriginal man .. who barefoot .. dressed in an old suit and accompanied by his dogs ..

attended the opening of parliament house in 1927.

Asked to leave because his attire wasn't considered appropriate .. Mr CLEMENTS responded
that this was the land of his ancestors.

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